Our current Family Innovation Fund (FIF) contracts end on 31st March 2019 and we are no longer taking referrals for over 11’s.
Essex County Council has now recommissioned services to be delivered by The Children’s Society, Kids Inspire across North East Essex. This early help support will focus on outcomes that support children, young people and parents/carers to;
This services will support children and young people aged 8-19 years and their parents, and are for those who are not already receiving or recently been supported by statutory or specialist services and meet the following criteria;
- moderate learning difficulties (without an Education and Health Care Plan)
- low level behavioural issues (without an Education and Health Care Plan)
- home educated
- part time school timetables
- risk of exclusion
- risky behaviours (of self or others) that jeopardise personal safety
- parents/carers in conflict (co-habiting/separated/stepparents