Essex Child and Family Well-being Project

Essex County Council (ECC) and West Essex NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (WECCG) have recently commissioned HCRG in partnership with Barnardo’s to deliver the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service.

As part of this offer, Home-Start Colchester Jaywick and Clacton are  delivering a service across North East Essex to offer support to reduce Isolation; school readiness and increase family resilience.

This will be delivered by a multicomponent of services, home visiting, group or special events.

Supporting families with children under 11 years to meet the following outcomes.

children aged 2 – 3 years who require additional support to help them reach a good level of development.

children and young people (school age and above) who require support to make improved lifestyle choices

.children and young people who require support to improve their emotional wellbeing.

parents/carers who require support to feel less lonely and/or isolated.

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